КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ ВНТУ електронні наукові видання, 
V-та Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «ЗНАННЯ. ОСВІТА. ОСВІЧЕНІСЬ» в умовах трансформації цивілізаційних процесів - 2020

Розмір шрифта: 
Knowledge based industrial economy and innovative-industrial civilization
Boris Ivanovich Ostapenko

Остання редакція: 2020-09-24


What would be a socio-economic model of society that solves a number of problems of misbalanced global and national economies, distorted by post-industrial con industrial dichotomy?  The innovative-industrial civilization, employing the knowledge based industrial economy with social cohesion and vertical mobility is the most effective socio-economic civilization that secures the symbiosis of the creative potential of individuals and society in the entire spectrum of socio-economic activities of human being.

Ключові слова

post-industrial economy, industrial economy, knowledge based industrial economy, innovative-industrial civilization


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5. Schramm, Jennifer. Learning to Compete in the Knowledge Economy / Jennifer Schramm. SHRM Research. Workplace Visions, No.3/ 2005.–8 p.

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8. Weinberger, Jillian. Is Manufacturing the Key to Innovation? / Jillian Weinberger. The Takeaway Website. October 16 2012.

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