Довідка по Open Conference Systems

Stats & Reports

The Scheduled Conference Statistics page serves two purposes: it provides statistics and reports for the Conference Manager to see and in some cases export, and it allows for the selection of some statistics to be displayed the About the Conference page.

Managing and Viewing Statistics and Reports

The Conference Manager must first select which conference tracks to use for compiling statistics. More than one track can be chosen by holding down the Control keyboard button while clicking. When the Record button is clicked, statistics for the selected tracks will be shown in the list below. Calendar years can be cycled through by clicking the forward and backward buttons on either side of the date.

The Conference Manager can also export unique reports from the system. Supported reports include a papers report (listing all papers in the system); a registrant report (listing all scheduled conference registrants); and a review report (listing all submission review information). These are available in CSV (comma-separated-value) format.

Publicly Displaying Statistics

The Conference Manager can select statistics to be available from the About the Conference page by checking off the box next to the desired statistic(s) and clicking the Record button.