Довідка по Open Conference Systems

Import/Export Data

The Import/Export Data feature allows the Conference Manager to inject data into and extract data from OCS.

Data import/export is implemented using plugins, with each format or type of data being provided by a different plugin. For more information, refer to each plugin's documentation, found within OCS' plugin directory.

Currently, two Import/Export plugins ship with OCS as documented below. More options for importing and exporting will be developed in future OCS versions.

Import/export functionality is also available as a command-line tool; see tools/importExport.php for more information.

User XML Plugin

The User XML Plugin can be used to import and export users. See plugins/importexport/user for more information on this plugin.

NLM XML Export Plugin

The NLM XML Export Plugin can be used to export conference data in the NLM Meeting Abstracts XML format for indexing. See plugins/importexport/nlm for more information on this plugin.