Остання редакція: 2023-05-21
Ключові слова
Determination of dynamic loads in the crane lifting mechanism / Volianiuk V.О., Gorbatyuk Ie.V., Terentyev A.A., Bulavka O.O. Modern engineering and innovative technologies. Issue №22. Part 1. August 2022. P. 3-14. doi:10.30890/2567-5273.2022-22-01-006.
Volyanyuk V.О., Gorbatyuk Ie.V. (2021). Rozrahunok mehanizmiv vantazhopidijmal'nyh mashyn [Calculation of mechanisms of lifting machines] Kyiv: KNUCA [in Ukrainian].
Volyanyuk V. Determination of inertial loads of the rotary boom of a self-propelled crane / V. Volyanyuk, D. Mishchuk, E. Gorbatyuk. Kyiv: Mining, construction, road and reclamation machines, 2020, 96. 13-21. https://doi.org/10.3247/gbdmm2020.96.05.25 [in Ukrainian].
B. Jerman, P. Podržaj, J. Kramar. (2004). An investigation of slewing-crane dynamics during slewing motion—development and verification of a mathematical model. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 46 (5), 729-750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2004.05.006.
Volianiuk V. Michuk D., Gorbatiyk E. (2021). The inertial loads of a telescopic boom of a truck crane. Automobile transport, 49, 54-62. https://doi.org/10.30977/AT.2019-8342.2021.0.49.01 25 [in Ukrainian].