КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ ВНТУ електронні наукові видання, Перспективи розвитку машинобудування та транспорту-2023

Розмір шрифта: 
Євгеній Горбатюк

Остання редакція: 2023-05-21


In order to simplify calculations of structures under dynamic loads in operation, a diagram is given according to which the rest of all elements of the mechanism are brought to its first element (engine). This allows you to greatly simplify the equation for solving and determine the values of the elasticity or stiffness factors of the elements. The method of determining the elasticity and stiffness factors of dynamic load elements given in the work makes it possible to significantly simplify the solution of complex equations and determine their values with sufficient accuracy.

Ключові слова

crane, mechanism, indicator, element, load, moment


Determination of dynamic loads in the crane lifting mechanism / Volianiuk V.О., Gorbatyuk Ie.V., Terentyev A.A., Bulavka O.O. Modern engineering and innovative technologies. Issue №22. Part 1. August 2022. P. 3-14. doi:10.30890/2567-5273.2022-22-01-006.


Volyanyuk V.О., Gorbatyuk Ie.V. (2021). Rozrahunok mehanizmiv vantazhopidijmal'nyh mashyn [Calculation of mechanisms of lifting machines] Kyiv: KNUCA [in Ukrainian].


Volyanyuk V. Determination of inertial loads of the rotary boom of a self-propelled crane / V. Volyanyuk, D. Mishchuk, E. Gorbatyuk. Kyiv: Mining, construction, road and reclamation machines, 2020, 96. 13-21. https://doi.org/10.3247/gbdmm2020.96.05.25 [in Ukrainian].


B. Jerman, P. Podržaj, J. Kramar. (2004). An investigation of slewing-crane dynamics during slewing motion—development and verification of a mathematical model. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 46 (5), 729-750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2004.05.006.


Volianiuk V. Michuk D., Gorbatiyk E. (2021). The inertial loads of a telescopic boom of a truck crane. Automobile transport, 49, 54-62. https://doi.org/10.30977/AT.2019-8342.2021.0.49.01 25 [in Ukrainian].

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