Остання редакція: 2025-02-27
The situation with the actual consumption of biomass for energy and biofuel production in Ukraine is actually the opposite of the potential structure. The powerful development of energy use of by-products and waste in Ukraine is hindered by a number of barriers. Among them, the most significant are the lack of agricultural producers with equipment for harvesting the appropriate types of biomass, the complexity of organizing the “harvest-supply” chain, the general underdevelopment of the biofuel market (lack of a biofuel exchange) and some others.
Ключові слова
1. G. Geletukha, S. Dragnev, Pyu Kucheruk, Yu. Matveev. Practical guide to the use of biomass as fuel in the municipal sector of Ukraine. 27p., 8-9 p., 14-15 p. URL: https://uabio.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/biofin.pdf
2. E. Oliynyk, V. Antonenko, S. Chaplygin, V. Zubenko. Preparation and implementation of projects for replacing natural gas with biomass in the production of thermal energy in Ukraine. 6 p. URL: https://rea.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/posibnyk-onovlenyi-2016.pdf
3. Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, URL: https://uabio.org/bioenergy-transition-in-ukraine/