Остання редакція: 2023-01-29
Vinnytsia by analyzing the energy demand and energy consumption of the building and developing measures to increase the economic, ecological and energy efficiency of this building is studied. A mathematical model was developed
and numerical studies of the impact of energy-saving measures on energy consumption and energy consumption of the
heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water supply system were carried out. The calculation of the technical and economic
indicators of the operation of the heating and cooling system of the public building were carried out.
Ключові слова
Stepanov D.V. Vplyv pokaznykiv dzherela teplopostachannia budivli na riven yii enerhospozhyvannia ta klas enerhoefektyvnosti./ D. V. Stepanov, O.V. Babenko, L.V.Skorodziievska, R. V. Yashchuk. MNTK «Enerhoefektyvnist v
haluziakh ekonomiky Ukrainy - 2021», Vinnytsia, 2021. URL: https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php /egeu/
Stepanov D.V. Zakhody dlia zabezpechennia normatyvnoi enerhopotreby torhovelnoho kompleksu u m. Vinnytsia / D. V. Stepanov, R. V. Yashchuk, D. Ya. Lysiuk // Dopovid na Naukovo-tekhnichnii konferentsii fakultetu budivnytstva, tsyvilnoi ta ekolohichnoi inzhenerii, Vinnytsia, 2022. URL : https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/all-fbtegp/all-fbtegp-
Stepanov D.V. Otsiniuvannia enerhoefektyvnosti zaproektovanoi hromadskoi budivli u m. Vinnytsia / D. V. Stepanov, R. V. Yashchuk, V. V. Martynenko // Dopovid na Naukovo-tekhnichnii konferentsii fakultetu budivnytstva,
tsyvilnoi ta ekolohichnoi inzhenerii, Vinnytsia, 2022. URL: https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/all-fbtegp/allfbtegp-2022/paper/view/15294/12875
Lialiuk O. H. Osoblyvosti vprovadzhennia novykh tekhnolohii teplo ta hidroizoliatsii / O. H. Lialiuk, R. V. Yashchuk // Dopovid na MNTK «Enerhoefektyvnist v haluziakh ekonomiky Ukrainy - 2021», Vinnytsia, 2021. URL: https://conferences.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/egeu/egeu2021 /paper/viewFile/14017/11891