Остання редакція: 2022-03-10
Ключові слова
1. Science and Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Research on the implementation path of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in the construction field [M], Beijing: China Construction Industry Press, 2021
2. BP. Statistical Review of World Energy (2021) [EB/OL] https://www.bp. com/en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy. html.
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5. Fang Tao, Gao Hui, Guo Juanli, et al. The Enlightenment of German Passive House to the Development of Building Energy Efficiency in my country: Taking Residential Buildings in Cold Areas as an Example [J]. New Architecture, 2013(4):37-40.
6. Wei Hedong, Zhao Jijian, Gao Jianhui, et al. Analysis and Suggestions on Influencing Factors of Geometric Thermal Bridge Effect in Passive Ultra-low Energy Buildings [J]. Wall Material Innovation and Building Energy Conservation, 2019(4):22-27.
7. Cheng Siyuan. Research on the energy-saving effect of fresh air heat recovery system for residential buildings in areas with hot summer and cold winter [D]. Nanjing University, 2018.
8. Lv Yanjie, Zhang Shicong, Xu Wei. Research on the winning projects of the World Passive House Grand Prix [J]. Architectural Science, 2017,33(6):1–7.
9. Hui Chaowei. Analysis on the application of passive house technology in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city [J]. Housing Industry, 2017(5):62-65.
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11. Han Jiaxiang, Gong Beibei, Liu Jiaming. Analysis of Suzhou Tongli Lake Jiayuan Passive House Reconstruction Certification Project from the Perspective of Energy Conservation [J]. Construction Technology, 2019(6):53–55.
12. Wang Yuyang. Discussion on the application of passive house technology in the renovation of historical buildings in Shengjinta Block, Nanchang [D]. Nanchang Aviation University, 2018.
13. Liu Ke, Xu Yi, Liu Kai, Fan Jun, An Wenzhuo. Research on Passive Renovation Method of existing Buildings in Cold Regions [J]. Architecture Technology, 2020(11):1348–1351.
14. Liu Yibiao, Huang Kai, Wang Zhiyuan. Research on the passive ultra-low energy consumption retrofit method of existing buildings - a case study of an earth-covered building retrofit project [J], Jiangsu Architecture, 2020 (5) 117-120.
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17. Dzhedzhula V. Yepifanova I., Use of apparatus of hybrid neural networks for evaluation of an intellectual component of the energy-saving policy of the enterprise Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. 2018. Vol. 4. №1. Р.126-130.
18. Heyets V., Voynarenko M., V. Dzhedzhula Yepifanova I., Trocikowski T. Models and strategies for financing innovative energy saving activities IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021. 628. 012004