Остання редакція: 2021-03-03
Ключові слова
1. Bourdieu P. The Forms of Capital. Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New-York : Greenwood. 1985. Р. 241—258.
2. Portes A. Social capital: Its origins and applications in modern sociology. Annual Review of Sociology. 1998. Vol. 24. P. 1–24. — URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/223472.(Last accessed: 16.09.2010).
3. Putnam R. Bowling a lone : The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New-York, 2000. 345 p.
4. Paldam M. Social Capital: One or Many? Definition and Measurement. Journal of Economic Surveys. 2000. Vol. 14, Issue 5. Р. 629—654.
5. Коулман Дж. Капитал социальный и человеческий. Общественные науки и современность. 2001. № 3. С. 122—139.
6. Miguelez E., Moreno R., Artis M. Does social capital reinforce technological inputs in the creation of knowledge? Evidence from the Spanish regions. IAREG Working Paper 5/10. AQR-IREA, University of Barcelona, October 2009. 43 р.
7. Asheim B., Coenen L. The role of regional innovation systems in a globalizing economy: comparing knowledge bases and institutional frameworks of Nordic clusters. Paper to be presented at the DRUID Summer Conference (Elsinore, Denmark, June 14-16, 2004). URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5004569_The_Role_of_Regional_Innovation_Systems_in_a_Glob alising_Economy_Comparing_Knowledge_Bases_and_Institutional_Frameworks_in_Nordic_Clusters (Last accessed: 18.06.2012).