КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ ВНТУ електронні наукові видання, Сучасні тенденції розвитку фінансових та інноваційно-інвестиційних процесів в Україні (2021)

Розмір шрифта: 
Victor А. Zamlynskyi, Аlina V. Buzunar, Adil Mohamed Abdalla Sultan Al Ali

Остання редакція: 2021-03-03


In the perspective of the market situation, the creation and management of effective communication links is an important strategic asset, due to the growing importance of creating competitive advantages for the company through intangible assets, due to the growing importance of non-price competition. knowledge and trust of consumers becomes a guarantee of successful work.

Ключові слова

optimization of business process; intangible assets; business reputation; corporate culture; crisis business efficiency; business administration.


1. Zamlynskyi V.A. Impact of Corporate Culture on the Company's Development/Accounting and Finance/ - 2019. № 1(83). - С. 145-151. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33146/2307-9878-2019-1(83)-145-151

2. Yevdokimova, M.; Zamlynskyi, V.; Minakova, S.; Biriuk, O.; Ilina, O. 2019. Evolution of corporate social responsibility applied to the concept of sustainable development, Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 8(3), 2019. Р.473-480. https://doi.org/10.9770/jssi.2019.8.3(14)

3. V. Zamlynskyi, O. Stanislavyk, O. Halytskyi, M. Korzh, N. Reznik. Conflict Dynamic Model of Innovative Development in the System of Ensuring Competitiveness of an Enterprises, International Journal of Scientific & Technology research, Vol.9, issue 2, pp. 5322-5325, 2020. http://www.ijstr.org/final-print/feb2020/Conflict-Dynamic-Model-Of-Innovative-Development-InThe-System-Of-Ensuring-The-Competitiveness-Of-An-Enterprises.pdf

4. Adil Mohamed Abdalla Sultan Al Ali, Zamlynskyi V.A., Buzunar A.V. The components of a successful business: quality of personnel, conflict and communication / Economics, management and business administration in the system of cross-border cooperation: a collection of scientific works of the I International European scientific-practical conference (Kyiv, October 22-23, 2020). K.: PZVO "International European University", 2020. http://dspace.uccu.org.ua/bitstream/123456789/9652/1/zbirnik.pdf#page=54

5. Current developments in management of human resources / V. Zamlynskyi, A. Livinskyi, I. Zakharkiv, T. Korneeva // Knowledge management competence for achieving competitive advantage of professional growth and development: Collective monograph. — Riga: BA School of Business and Finance, 2021. — P. 252–265. http://dspace.kntu.kr.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/10569

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