Остання редакція: 2021-02-27
Ключові слова
1. Andriychuk V.H. Economics of agricultural enterprises: a textbook. – 2-he vyd., dop. i pereroblene. K.: KNEU, 2002. 624 p.
2. Bezhenar I.M. Stan rozvytku spetsializatsiyi v ahrarnykh pidpryyemnytsʹkykh strukturakh // Hlobalʹni ta natsionalʹni problemy ekonomiky. Zb. nauk. pr. Mykolayivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu im. V.O. Sukhomlynsʹkoho. Vyp. 10. 2016. – S. 128-133.
3. Bendz H.O. Malyy biznes v Ukrayini: problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku // Aktualʹni problemy suchasnoho biznesu: oblikovo-finansovyy ta upravlinsʹkyy aspekty: materialy I Mizhnarodnoyi naukovopraktychnoyi internet-konferentsiyi, 19-21 bereznya 2019 r. CH. 1. Lʹviv: LNAU, 2019. S. 34-36.
4. Volyk V. Formation of small and medium business in Ukraine and its consequences // Actual problems of economy. 2002. № 8. P. 22-25.
5. Dzyaduk H. Conceptual foundations of small and medium agribusiness development as an object of state influence // Efficiency of public administration. 2018. Vip. 2 (55). Part. 2. Pp. 219-226.
6. Pivtorak V.S. State support of small business in the agricultural sector of the economy: regional aspect // Collection of scientific works of VNAU. 2012. № 4. P. 69-75.
7. Kuklinova TV Criteria for classifying enterprises as small and medium, taking into account their functional role in the economy. URL: http://www.dspace.oneu.edu.ua.
8. Mokhnenko A.S. Principles and factors of enterprise specialization. URL: http: //www.ksau.ks.ua_2017-06-02_11.15.40.
9. Yavorska T.I. Small business in agriculture: theory and practice: a monograph. K.: NNC IAE, 2012. P. 198-220.