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Supplementary Files

If the box next to Supplementary Materials is checked by the Conference Manager in Scheduled Conference Setup 2.1, the Author will be given the option to upload supplementary files in Step Four of submission process.

Supplementary File Contents. Supplementary files are intended to include research instruments, data sets, source texts or figures and tables that form as separate documents for the difficulty of being integrated with the text, or for the merits in their own right. Supplementary Files contribute to more open and robust forms of research and scholarship. The Author will index supplementary files independent of the submitted proposal, thus enabling supplementary files to be found by those looking for these particular type of items.

Supplementary File Formats. Supplementary files can also be uploaded in any file format. Normally they are uploaded in their original format and remain unchanged, in constrast with the submitted proposal which must be standardardized in submission format and publishing format. Softwares are needed to open and view supplementary files in their original format.