Довідка по Open Conference Systems

Review Page

The Review Page is a record of editorial process, including sections of Submission, Abstract Review/Paper Review, Reviewer, Director Decision, Complete, and Layout.

Depending on how the Conference Manager has arranged submissions in Scheduled Conference Setup Step 2, Review will be split into one or two pages: Abstract review; Paper review; or both. If both pages are present, the items on each page will be largely the same except where noted.


The Submission section outlines a very basic submission summary. For a more complete summary, the Director should see the Submission Summary page.


The Review section appears on all review pages. It allows the Director to manage Reviewers and view regrets and cancellations.

To assign a Reviewer, the Director must click the Select Reviewer link, choose a Reviewer from the list, and then send the Reviewer a request email by clicking the email icon under the Request header. The Reviewer will receive instructions on completing the review online; if for some reason the Reviewer cannot complete their review online, the Director has access to all the Reviewer options from this section: they can signal the Reviewer's intent to do the review or not; upload a review version that the Reviewer might have emailed them; and can commit the reviewer's recommendation.

More than one Reviewer at a time can be assigned to a submission, and subsequent rounds of review can be started by the Director choosing Resubmit for Review for the Director Decision. Review requests can be canceled by clicking the Cancel Review Request link.

If the Conference Manager has enabled the Reviewer Rating option in the Scheduled Conference Setup Step 3, Directors will be able to rate Reviewers on a 5-point scale.

Director Decision

The Director Decision section appears on all review pages. The Director uses it to commit a decision on the submission and inform the Author of the decision.

The Invite Presentation decision will move the submission from Abstract to Paper review if the scheduled conference allows abstracts followed by a submission (see note above), and in all cases will initiate an email to the Author to inform on the submission's acceptance.


The Complete section appears only in the final stage of a submission's review process. Clicking the Complete button will add the submission to the list of Presentations, and move it out of the Review queue.


The Layout section appears only in the final stage of a submission's review process. Directors can upload galley files (typically HTML or PDF) of the submission's abstract or full paper, which will be available for download from the scheduled conference Presentations list. The Director can also upload extra supplementary files, which will appear in the abstract or presentation's Reading Support Tool.