Довідка по Open Conference Systems

Prepared Emails

Prepared Emails

OCS uses a variety of prepared emails to communicate during ongoing workflow processes, such as: assignment requests to Track Directors by the Director; review requests and responses between Track Directors and Reviewers, and notifications from Track Directors to Authors. The Conference Manager can find a full list of email templates by clicking the "Prepared Emails" link under General Management on the Conference Site Management page. These can be edited by clicking the Edit link next to each of them, and can also be disabled or reset to the original template. New email templates can be created.

Sending Emails

Email icons for various tasks appear throughout the system. When an email icon is clicked on, a default email is generated ready to be sent out, though it can be edited by the sender prior to sending. In the email, the intended recipient is automatically filled in (unless there is no intended recipient to begin with), and the rest of the fields are populated with relevant information, such as the title and abstract of the submission in question, the due date of a review, or access to the submission. The sender can alter the recipient's email address and add additional recipients, except in those cases that involve the sending of passwords (for security reasons).

Note that correcting a recipient's address while editing an email does not alter the email address listed on the Profile page in this system. Correcting the recipient's email address on a permanent basis requires notifying the Conference Manager, who has the authority to make such profile changes.