Остання редакція: 2023-05-24
Ключові слова
1. NATO Science and Technology Organization. Science and Technology. Trends 2023-2043. Across the Physical, Biological, and Information Domains. VOLUME 1: Overview. URL: https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2023/3/ pdf/stt23-vol1.pdf.
2. NATO Science and Technology Organization. Science and Technology. Trends 2023-2043. Across the Physical, Biological, and Information Domains. VOLUME 2: Analysis. URL: https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2023/3/pdf/ stt23-vol2.pdf.
3. Gentile, Gian, Michael Shurkin, Alexandra T. Evans, Michelle Grisé, Mark Hvizda, and Rebecca Jensen. A History of the Third Offset, 2014–2018. RAND Corporation, RR-A454-1, 2021. As of April 27, 2023: URL: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA454-1.html.
4. Моисеев С. Искусственный интеллект: Состояние развития и перспективы применения в военной авиации // Аэрокосмическое обозрение. - 2020. - № 3(105). - С. 42-46.