Остання редакція: 2023-06-05
Ключові слова
1. Про охорону праці: Закон України від 14.10.1992 р. № 2694-XII // Відом. Верхов. Ради України. - 1992. - № 49. - Ст. 668.
2. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2021. Discussion paper: New forms of work in the digital era: implications for psychosocial risks and musculoskeletal disorders.
3. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work & Eurofound, 2014. Psychosocial risks in Europe. Prevalence and strategies for prevention.
4. PAS 1010, 2011. Guidance on the management of psychosocial risks in the workplace, University of Nottingham and British Standards Institute.
5. Cox, T., 1993. Stress Research and Stress Management: Putting Theory to Work, HSE Books, Sudbury.
6. European Risk Observatory Report, 2012. Management of psychosocial risks at work: An analysis of the findings of the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER).
7. EWCS, 2010. European Working Conditions Survey.
8. Psychosocial work characteristics as risk factors for the onset of fatigue and psychological distress: prospective results from the Maastricht Cohort Study. Bültmann U, Kant IJ, Van den Brandt PA, Kasl SV (2002).
9. https://ohoronapraci.kiev.ua/article/socialnij-zahist/novij-standart-iso-450032021-keruvanna-psihosocialnimi-rizikami-na-roboti
10. https://ohoronapraci.kiev.ua/seminar/webinar/keruvanna-psihosocialnimi-rizikami-na-roboti-vimogi-standartu-iso-450032021