Остання редакція: 2023-01-23
the article is devoted to the scientific and methodological justification of investment attractiveness ofterritories in the context of restoring and stimulating the development of the post-war economy of Ukraine, developed ascale for promoting investment in the territory by class, according to the level of its destruction, to consider the risksaffecting theinvestmentattractivenessofthe economy.
Ключові слова
Damborsky M., Rihova G. Investment Attractiveness of the Czech Republic Regions in a Period ofEconomicCrisis.3 rdCentralEuropean Conferencein RegionalScience CERS, 2009. P. 951–962.
Onapprovalofthemethodologyforassessinglossesfromtheconsequencesofman-madeandnaturalemergencies : resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 175 of February 15, 2002 / VerkhovnaRadaof Ukraine.URL:https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/175-2002-%D0%BF#Text.