Остання редакція: 2022-01-27
As one of the promising forms of integration, various complexes appear in the urban planning structure. The tendencies of the economy of the modern information society are such that the driving force behind the innovative development of society is science. It is offered to create in the city of Odessa "the Corporate scientific and technical complex town-planning power reconstruction "CSTC T-PPR", as innovative organizational structure which uses in practice the saved up scientific and technical potential for reconstruction of buildings of historical building of Odessa under standards power efficiency. The estimation of quality of operated processes "CSTC T-PPR", as modeling of function of scheduling and management is executed. The presented model of an estimation of quality of management is effective as allows to estimate dynamically result of administrative activity and on this dynamics to form detailed enough forecasts of development of operated process.
Ключові слова
1. Posternak I. M., Posternak S. A. (2016). Corporate scientific and technical complex town-planning power reconstruction "CSTC T-PPR" Odessa. The development of international competitiveness: state, region, enterprise: materials of the International scientific conference. Lisbon, Portugal: Baltija publishing. Part II. Volume 1. Business economics and corporate management: innovation problem. pp. 6–8.
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4. Prucyn, O., Rymashevskij, B. (1990). Arhitekturno-istoricheskaja sreda [Architectural and historical environment]. Moscow: Strojizdat (in Russian).
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