КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ ВНТУ електронні наукові видання, Сучасні тенденції розвитку фінансових та інноваційно-інвестиційних процесів в Україні (2022)

Розмір шрифта: 
Olena Budiakova

Остання редакція: 2022-01-17


The issues of the economics of biotechnological development, referred to for brevity as bioeconomic issues, have become significantly updated in recent years. There is not only a quantitative, but also a qualitative growth of scientific works on this issue. Of particular interest are the works in this area in the framework of relationships with the section of scientific knowledge - the economics of environmental management. The issues under consideration are interesting as part of the analysis of implementations in the educational sphere of higher education, the real sector of the economy (industry), as well as in the financial sector.

Ключові слова

еconomics; bioeconomy; biotechnology; development steel; ecology; society


1. Bioeconomy Policy (Part III). Update Report of National Strategies around the World; Office of the Bioeconomy Council: Berlin, Germany, 2018.

2. Кирюшин П. А., Яковлева Е. Ю., Астапкович М., Солодова М. А. Биоэкономика: опыт Евросоюза и возможности для России. ВМУ. Серия 6. Экономика. 2019. № 4. С. 60-77.

3. Aguilar A., Wohlgemuth R., Twardowski T. Preface to the special issue bioeconomy. New Biotechnology. 2018. Vol. 40. P. 1-4.

4. Federal activities report on the bioeconomy. The Biomass Research and Development (BR&D) Board: offi cial website. URL: https://www. biomassboard.gov/pdfs/farb_2_18_16.pdf (assessed: 15.01.2022).

5. Wang R., Cao Q., Zhao Q., Li Y. Bioindustry in China: An overview and perspective. New biotechnology. 2018. Vol. 40. P. 46-51.

6. Ronzon T., M’Barek R. Socioeconomic Indicators to Monitor the EU’s Bioeconomy in Transition. Sustainability. 2018. Vol. 10. No. 6. P. 1-22.

7. A sustainable bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment. Updated Bioeconomy Strategy. L.: Publications Offi ce of the European Union, 2018.

8. Bioeconomy: the European way to use our natural resources. Action plan. L.: Publications Offi ce of the European Union, 2018.

9. Kalt G., Baumann M., Lauk C. et al. Transformation scenarios towards a low-carbon bioeconomy in Austria. Energy Strategy Reviews. 2016. Vol. 13-14. P. 125-133.

10. Patermann C., Aguilar A. The origins of the bioeconomy in the European Union. New biotechnology. 2018. Vol. 40. P. 20-24.

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