КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ ВНТУ електронні наукові видання, Енергоефективність в галузях економіки України-2021

Розмір шрифта: 
Analyzing the Fuel Efficiency of Gas Engine in Integrated Energy System
Andrii Radchenko, Dariusz Mikielewicz, Serhiy Forduy, Victor Khaldobin

Остання редакція: 2021-11-22


An advanced system of gas engine inlet air deep cooling by chilled water from ACh, subsequently subcooled by boiling ECh, recovering waste heat of engine, has been developed, that provides decreasing specific fuel consumption by 2.5-3.0 g/kWh due to stabilized low temperature of air at the suction of turbocharger at increased ambient air temperatures.

This system does not require considerable addition investments over existing one so as the ECh consists generally of heat exchangers of quite small sizes because of reduced heat loads for cooling engine cyclic air as compared with traditional cooling all the engine room incoming air that was proved by analyzing the monitoring data

Ключові слова

Operation Efficiency; Air conditioning system; Integrated power plant


Elsenbruch, Т.: Jenbacher gas engines a variety of efficient applications. Bucureşti, 73 p. (2010).


Economic utilization of Biomass and Municipal Waste for power generation. Some energy lasts for generations. GE Jenbacher Company Overview, 39 p. (2007).

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