КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ ВНТУ електронні наукові видання, Енергоефективність в галузях економіки України-2021

Розмір шрифта: 
Enhancing the Operation Efficiency of Railway Air Conditioning System along the route line
Andrii Radchenko, Łukash Bohdal, Veniamin Tkachenko, Serhiy Kantor, Felix Tsaran

Остання редакція: 2021-11-22


On analyzing the operation of air coolers of railway air conditioning (AC) systems, characterized by considerable variations in current heat loads according to actual climatic conditions on the route lines, the reserves to increase its efficiency by intensification of refrigerant evaporation in air coils and enlarging the range of deviation of refrigerant flows from their optimum values without noticeable decreasing heat flux were revealed. To realize this it has been proved that over filling the air cooler coils by liquid refrigerant injector recirculation enables excluding the final dry-out stage of refrigerant evaporation with extremely low intensity of heat transfer and as result provides increasing the heat efficiency of air coolers (overall heat flux) by 20-30 % compared with conventional air coolers with complete refrigerant evaporation and superheated vapor at the exit. Moreover a larger deviation of current heat load on railway route lines are permited without considerable falling air cooler heat efficiency due to refrigerant injector recirculation at available numbers of circulation. The method to determine the rational design heat load on air coolers of railway AC systems, providing closed to maximum refrigeration output generation over considered time period, was developed.

Ключові слова

Railway Air Conditioner; Changeable Heat Load; Liquid Refrigerant Recirculation


Meteomanz Homepage, http://www.meteomanz.com/, last accessed 2019/05/21.


Radchenko, A., Radchenko, M., Trushliakov, E., Kantor, S., Tkachenko, V.: Statistical method to define rational heat loads on railway air conditioning system for changeable climatic conditions. In: 5th International Conference on Systems and Informatics: ICSAI 2018, Jiangsu, Nanjing, China, pp. 1308–1312 (2018).


Trushliakov, E., Radchenko, M., Radchenko, A., Kantor, S., Zongming, Y.: Statistical approach to improve the efficiency of air conditioning system performance in changeable climatic conditions. In: 5th International Conference on Systems and Informatics: ICSAI 2018, Jiangsu, Nanjing, China, pp. 1303–1307 (2018).


Trushliakov, E., Radchenko, M., Bohdal, T., Radchenko, R., Kantor, S.: An innovative air conditioning system for changeable heat loads. In: Tonkonogyi V. et al. (eds.) Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes. InterPartner-2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham, 10 p. (2020).

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